Milan Kitchen Fashion Week: Eurocucina
What an experience, and that was just the journey home!! Flight delayed and then a 1 hour wait for the bags to come through at Heathrow. So I write this with slightly drooping eyes and a very strong cup of tea close to hand. Enough of this self pity as I’m sure you would rather hear about what was at the show!
My first impressions were this is going to be great! The sun was shinning and there were masses of people all ready to be wowed the furniture style capitol of the world – and I wasn’t disappointed!
The theme for the show seemed to be minimalistic with the vast majority of displays showing slab fronts, handless doors, mixing colours (some better than others!) great lighting, weird and wonderful extraction and lots and lots and lots of drawers in base units and lift systems in wall units. I saw a Diesel Kitchen and a Ducati Kitchen both of which were focused on the social and practical aspects of the kitchen – they were also well designed and looked amazing. What else would you expect from an Italian show!!
As there was so much to see, I will give a brief overview of my top 3 most memorable displays.
Firstly there was the Del Tonga stand where they ran 10 minute functionality presentations though out the day discussing the benefits of drawers over shelves using the Blum Age Explorer suit and kitchen test drive, why the location of working areas and storage is an important part of design and the benefits of using taller, deeper and wider base units.

Making the most of your space!
My second memorable stand was the Scavolini Blu bathroom displays. I don’t think there was one display I wouldn’t want in my house! The furniture was elegant and extremely practical with, yep you’ve guessed it …drawers and pullouts being used to their best potential.
And finally on the Rational stand I saw this lovely kitchen module for the small home. Not sure how practical it is – that’s for you to decide …….

Art and design???
and completely unconnected to kitchens but this caught my eye too…

This ones for me!!!
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